Law Enforcement

Career Track


1. Security Guard- A badge, a gun...and the graveyard shift. Since you're required to supply your own firearm and uniforms, it doesn't leave much in your pay envelope. Skills Needed- None. Pay- $240

2. Cadet- You're going to the Police Academy, with a starting salary from the city burning a hole in your blues. Like a combination of boot camp and college, the experience can be physically and mentally draining. Improve your body skill so you can graduate and get a real job. Skills needed- 2 body. Pay- $320

3. Patrolman- You're riding the mean streets of Sim City in a squad car--dangerous work without a lot of pay. Keep yourself in top physical condition and study up on your mechanical skills so you can be considered for a shield. Skills Needed- 2 Mechanical, 2 Body, 1 Friend. Pay- $380

4. Desk Sergeant- A break from the mean streets, and a promotion with pay hike...but tons of paperwork. However, you're on regular hours with a reduction in physical demands. If you get tired of this desk job, improve those body and mechanical skills and you may be out on the street in a much more interesting job... Skills Needed- 3 Mechanical, 4 Body, 2 Friends. Pay- $440

5. Vice Squad- You're attached to your first plainclothes job. Vice duty can be exciting, but your squad operates mostly at night. It's important to shine here, so you can be considered for detective training. Well-rounded skills, especially logic, will hasten that next promotion. Skills Needed- 1 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 1 Charisma, 5 Body, 2 Logic, 4 Friends. Pay- $490

6. Detective- You get your shield and continue plainclothes work. Logic needs to be sharp and friends are very important. Charisma also comes into play, if suspects and informants are to help you close cases and step up the departmental ladder. Skills Needed- 1 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 2 Charisma, 5 Body, 3 Logic, 1 Creativity
6 Friends. Pay- $540

7. Lieutenant- Cases have a higher profile, and your experience has advanced you to a better pay rate. As a Lieutenant, you are a Detective Squad Leader, and you need to keep those skills sharpened. The stress of dealing with that thick unsolved folder of Sim City crimes can do damage to your home life. Try to emphasize "family time" and recreation when at home to achieve a proper balance. Skills Needed- 1 Cooking, 4 Mechanical, 3 Charisma
6 Body, 5 Logic, 1 Creativity, 8 Friends. Pay- $590

8. SWAT Team Leader- An elite job with a good bonus in the form of "danger pay." But you've got to be very smart and creative to be successful. Make sure you're making friends in high places. 1 Cooking, 4 Mechanical, 4 Charisma, 7 Body, 7 Logic, 3 Creativity
10 Friends. Pay- $625

9. Police Chief- You're finally "Top Cop". You can afford a substantial house on the hill and are one of the most influential people in Sim City. What more can you possibly do to protect the citizens of Sim City? Skills Needed- 1 Cooking, 4 Mechanical, 6 Charisma, 7 Body, 10 Logic, 5 Creativity, 12 Friends. Pay- $650

10. Captain Hero- Crime peoples beware! A new day has dawned on our most wonderful community. A day of righteous justice for all, for Captain Hero is here at last! With his massive superpowers at hand Captain Hero fights crime on a daily basis, to the fullest extent of the law. Skills needed- None. Pay- $700. Career Change to a TV Star in the Entertainment Career.