Business Career


Below are listed all of the careers in this track.

1. Mailroom- Minimum wage, but you're on the ground floor of one of SimCity's mega-corps. Keep the copier and coffee machine in working order. Be organized, prompt, and friendly when you push that cart through the halls-- maybe some sharp-eyed company officer will consider you for a kick upstairs.  Skills needed- none. Pay-$120

2. Executive assistant- Longer hours, but an oppertunity to work the phones, increase people skills, and keep the boss happy.  If you work on your mechanical skill, you might be able to repair that infernal copy machine the next time it breaks. Now THAT would make your boss notice you. Skills Needed- 1 mechanical point. Pay- $180

3. Field Sales Rep.- Before you move up in the company, you'll have to earn your dues putting in a long day on the road. Meet your quotes (charisma can make a good sales pitch great) and good contacts and you'll be ripe for a  promotion to an office without wheels. Skills Needed-2 mechanical, 2 charisma, 1 friend. Pay- $250

4. Junior Executive- Now you have your own grunt to boot around, a personal cubicle, and a nice salary--- but it's still a LONG walk down the hall to the restrooms. Good relationships with people to whom you've proven your superior logic skill will definitely get you noticed. Skills Needed-  2 mechanical, 2 charisma,2 logic, 3 friends  Pay- $320

5.Executive- You have your own junior executive and an actual office, with a door that closes. Problem is, the executive level at your company is heavily populated.  Well-rounded skills and a good work attitude will help you stand out from the crowd and impress the higher-ups. Skills needed- 2 mechanical, 3 charisma, 3 logic, 2 creativity, 6 friends. Pay- $400

6.Senior Management- Salary hops up as you are now overseeing several franchise offices. There are a lot of executives under your command so charisma and logic help in settling disputes and keeping the various teams running smoothly. Your golf game needs to improve if you want to close any deals from now on so a little more work in the body department would not be a bad idea. Skills Needed-  2 mechanical, 4 charisma, 4 logic,  2 creativity,2 body, 8  friends. Pay- $520

7. Vice President- The corner office is yours. Pay takes another leap. However, competition is rougher on this floor. Keep sharpening those skills and make lots of friends, you never know when you'll need them. Skills Needed- 2 mechanical, 5 charisma, 6 logic, 3 creativity, 2 body, 10 friends. Pay- $660

8. President- The company sends a town car to pick you up in the morning. You get the top floor Suite and a hefty paycheck. Your creative juices are flowing and you're feeling smart and powerful. But there's a downside as well, more stress and your neighbors may resent your success (nothing a barbeque at your place wouldn't fix and who knows, you might meet someone new...) Skills needed- Skills Needed- 2 mechanical, 6 charisma, 7 logic, 5 creativity, 2 body, 12 friends. Pay- $800

9. CEO- Top of the heap at your company. But can a powerful, well- to-do, exec balance the responsibilities of the office with the needs of mate, children, and friends? Social responsibilities are peaking--- it might be time to move up to a bigger house, to better entertain bigwigs. Skills needed- Skills Needed- 2 mechanical, 8 charisma, 9 logic, 6 creativity, 2 body, 14 friends. Pay- $950

10. Business Tycoon- You're a corporate raider and mogul heading a worldwide conglomerate. But now that you're a famous local figure, guess what? You'll be expected to give money to charities to maintain your standing with your fellow sims. Still, doesn't it feel good to bask in the glow of success? Pay- $1200 Career Changes to  All Star in the Pro Athlete Career Track.